

Welcome to the wonderful and fantastic Memento Mori! We are an semi-literate to advanced fantasy wolf roleplay and we require two hundred words minimum for IC posts.

Three hundred years ago the land of Arcana was created by our beloved goddess Cardea. Her children, the Guardians, are the only remaining proof on this world that our origins are true. Our spirits were born as simple wolves, but now the world is populated with many various species of wolf. The many different packs of Arcana strive to remain peaceful, but perhaps in our haste to be reborn, we brought the hatred of our pasts into our new lives. Only time will tell us how our stories will continue to unfurl.

We appreciate your visit to Memento Mori. Feel free to look around and take in all that is our special little world. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask our any of our wonderful staff or even our amazing members. Make sure to visit our Guidebook, in which you will find all of the important bits of information that we've provided for your endless pleasure and convenience.

With love,
Your Memento Mori Staff.
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2012-09-19 18:29:27 - Датч

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